Make Hanukkah a Literary Fest: My ‘Jewish’ Book List for 2011

Looking for books to give Jewish friends and relatives as gifts? Linda K. Wertheimer, a voracious reader and writer, offers nine suggestions, one for each night of Hanukkah and that ninth candle, the shamash. Continue reading

Welcome to the March Jewish Book Carnival, a Feast of Literary Posts

o roller coaster rides. No cotton candy. But as host of this month’s Jewish Book Carnival, I’m happy to bring you a wide range of posts about the Jewish literary world and Jewish writing in general. You’ll find whimsy, poignancy, deep thought about writing about faith, book reviews and even a bit of travelogue about the Jerusalem International Book Fair. Continue reading

Author Lipman Plays Talk Show Host to Novelist Diamant


It was, as the host billed it, a night to “eavesdrop” on a pair of well-known authors. Tonight, I sat among just 25 people at a Newton, Mass., coffee shop as author Elinor Lipman quizzed fellow novelist Anita Diamant about her new book, Day After Night., an online site about Jewish books, brought the two Jewish authors together after hearing that Lipman, author of many beloved novels, was besotted with Diamant’s new work.