What’s a Fan to Do When a Star Acts Badly?

Summary:The Boston Globe Magazine on May 13, 2012, published my musings about whether to keep or toss my Mel Gibson DVDS, given the actor’s continued anti-Semitic rants. It ran as a Perspective essay.

Reaction: The story prompted several letters to the editor. It provoked debate on the right thing to do: Keep or toss the DVDs?

Read the article.

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2 Responses to What’s a Fan to Do When a Star Acts Badly?

  1. Hey Linda I liked your essay! Honestly, I can’t watch anything Mel Gibson has done. For me, it’s a matter of not wanting to help his bank account in any way. On the other hand, I’ve never been a huge fan of his movies, so it’s no great loss. Now, if Colin Firth were to go on an anti-Semitic rampage, not sure it would be such an easy choice.

  2. Linda says:

    Hi, Maryanne,
    Thanks! I suspect I’ll lean more and more in the direction of no Mel movies for me as the years go on. I liked his earlier movies more than his later ones. There was a period that I really liked action flicks. I’ve grown out of that mostly, but I still love the Year of Living Dangerously – about a foreign correspondent. Colin Firth… Definitely adore his work.

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